WOOCS 2.1.9

Gas Booster Applications


First and foremost, it is paramount to consider the inherent advantages of Protech air driven gas boosters. These are:

  • No requirement for electricity and can be driven by any inert gas.
  • Can be stalled and started on full load indefinitely without heat build-up or power usage.
  • Stay cool when working hard due to drive air expansion at the exhaust.
  • The expanding drive gas exhaust is used to keep the gas cooler during compression.

These advantages make Protech air driven gas boosters excellent for increasing explosive and flammable, as well as inert, gas’s pressures from one vessel to another. Driven by compressed air, or another inert gas, they are very suitable for working in explosive environments as they DO NOT create sparks which might otherwise cause an explosion.

Industries that have Protech air driven gas booster applications:

  • Diving Industry for the transfer of various Dive Gases including Oxygen.
  • Safety and Rescue Industry for filling Oxygen and oxygen mixes for Breathing Apparatus.
  • Industrial Gas Manufacturers and Suppliers.
  • Defence Industry Suppliers.
  • Civilian and Military Aerospace Industry.
  • Military Naval Industry.
  • Valve Testing Industry.
  • Gas Assisted Injection Mouldings Industry.
  • Space (Satellite Launching) Industry.